Temporary Works Co-Ordination

Are Temporary Works part of your construction project? do you need support with ensuring your contractor’s procedures are implemented correctly on-site?
We can help!
Our Temporary Works Co-Ordination service means we’re responsible for making sure that a suitable Temporary Work design is prepared, checked and implemented on-site, in accordance with the relevant drawings and specifications.
Do you need to appoint a Temporary Works Coordinator?
There is a legal requirement that the party in control must ensure that work is allocated and carried out in a manner that does not create an unacceptable risk of harm to workers or members of the public. Temporary Works must be properly managed on all projects to ensure safety and that’s where we come in.
We’ll follow the British Standard 5975 which sets out the management of Temporary Works and uses the job title Temporary Works Co-Ordinator and will apply the same degree of care and attention to the design and construction of Temporary Works as you would expect for any permanent works.
Our expert team will take responsibility for:
- Identification of temporary works on site
- Setting up Temporary works register
- Appointing Temporary Works Supervisor(s) TWS’s
- Obtaining relevant information and preparing temporary works design briefs
- Confirm construction risk classification and design check category
- Arrange relevant design checks
- On-site checks and inspections Issuing Permits to Work
Need support with your Temporary Works? Get in touch!
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