Safety Smart and DSM join forces

9th December 2015 Posted in Blogs

Safety Smart has teamed up with DSM Roofing Ltd to assist with a national project to ensure the safe installation of structural roof steelwork at a number of McDonalds restaurants throughout the UK. Anthony and the team have been conducting regular site audits over the past few months, with seventeen more already set for the start of 2016. 

Safety Smart’s remit has also included updating management systems, delivering training workshops and assisting with all aspects of CDM 2015. 

DSM Roofing is a Barnsley-based roofing specialist. Set up more than fifteen years ago, the team has niche expertise in structural roofing and their services are in extremely high demand. They also offer a broad spectrum of other roofing services. 

Commenting on the appointment, Anthony Tetlow said, “I’m really pleased to be working alongside a company such as DSM and have been truly impressed by their professional and efficient approach to the installations. I am looking forward to our continuing working relationship next year as the project is rolled out further”.

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