Safety Smart Appointed by Tetrosyl

7th November 2019 Posted in Blogs

Safety Smart are delighted to have been appointed by Tetrosyl to assist with the CDM 2015 and fire safety elements during the set up of a new facility within their Greengate Industrial Estate premises in Bury. 

Tetrosyl is the largest manufacturer and supplier of car care products in Europe and the UK’s biggest independent oil blender, extending its global reach to more than 100 countries. 

In order to ensure compliance, Safety Smart have been carrying out fortnightly Health & Safety Audits on the new facility. All audits are recorded on a spreadsheet which allows us to identify and rectify emerging trends before they become a major problem. 

Safety Smart also conducted a Fire Risk Assessment to ensure that adequate arrangements are in place. In addition to assisting with the facility set up, 

Tetrosyl have registered for our Competent Person Scheme which means that we will act as their competent Health & Safety advisors for the duration of the contract which includes advice, guidance and support with any HSE enforcement issues. Click here for details on how to sign up for this.

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