Safety Smart gains Constructionline certification

26th May 2016 Posted in Blogs

Safety Smart has been certified as a registered supplier with Constructionline, the UK’s leading procurement and supply chain management service.

The Constructionline scheme is designed to promote better buying practices and remove Pre-Qualification Questionnaire form (PQQ) duplication to save buyers and suppliers time and money.

To become a certified member, Safety Smart had to demonstrate that it meets Constructionline’s rigorous assessment criteria covering aspects such as professional conduct, financial information, proof of insurances, previous experience and references.

The certification reassures buyers, from both public and private sector organisations, that Safety Smart has been assessed in line with government and industry standards. The certification also allows Safety Smart to fast-track stage one of the supplier assessment process for Constructionline buyers, so Safety Smart now only needs to provide project-specific data.

Anthony Tetlow, Director of Safety Smart, said: “Joining Constructionline is a welcome endorsement of the professional service we deliver to our clients. It is an essential part of our strategic plan for growth over the next 12 months and beyond. We are already saving a considerable amount of time and money by not having to repeatedly fill out PQQ forms, which means we can concentrate on our clients and their needs.”

Members of Constructionline include all Councils, the NHS, and leading companies. Over 8,000 buyers and 25,000 suppliers are involved in the scheme.

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