Safety Smart: Monthly Update

12th October 2020 Posted in Blogs

If you missed out on our last newsletter – never fear! we’ve pulled together all the information in this blog post and there’s plenty to catch up on!

For those of you that have to control and manage Hand-arm vibration, the HSE’s new Operational Guidance will be of interest. In particular, we point you towards the internal flowchart which you can find here

This month’s case study involves two workers being crushed by a steel cage whilst working on a MEWP. Astonishingly no action had been taken to implement control measures despite the fact that workers had raised concerns about the cage visibly leaning. Read the case study here

SHP’s article focusing on how the Construction industry has seen a huge reduction in Covid breaches is a positive one, yet reminds us that we must not become complacent. It also includes a useful risk assessment template. Download it here

Finally, we look to at IOSH’s article on why fatal falls are avoidable. There are 36 fatalities a year in the UK workplace falls from height, but the government is reluctant to accept the recommendations of a report that could reduce the number. Read on for more.

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From Twitter

Whilst we might be already into the second month of 2025 last year saw million-pound fines for the likes of Openreach and Tata Chemicals.

SHP share some of the biggest health and safety fines of 2024 in their round-up ⬇️

Work-related ill health and injuries accounted for 33.7 million lost working days in Great Britain last year, the latest figures from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reveal.

#WorkRelatedAccidents #HealthandSafety #2024Stats #SafetySmart

Businesses urged to start preparing for Martyn's Law

Businesses should start to prepare for the implementation of Martyn’s Law, otherwise known as the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill,

#GetPrepared #MartynsLaw

We are delighted to be partnering with @theCALMzone on a release of a brand new t-shirt featuring the iconic die-cut sleeve design and the original synth used to write Blue Monday. £10 from each t-shirt purchased will be donated to CALM.

Buy now: 💙

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