Safety Smart: Monthly Update February 2022

7th February 2022 Posted in Blogs

Risk at work: PPE Update 

Employers have duties concerning the provision and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) at work.

PPE is equipment that will protect the user against health or safety risks at work. It can include items such as safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear and safety harnesses. It also includes respiratory protective equipment (RPE).

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Demolition work must be properly planned and managed to prevent serious injury

Great Britain’s workplace regulator is asking demolition and construction firms to double-down on thorough planning, management and control of demolition and refurbishment work.

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Wome’s wellbeing in male-dominated industries 

We already know that male-dominated industries can, in many cases, be full of risk factors for men – but what about women’s health in male-dominated industries? Danny Clarke, Founder of Simply-People, highlights what needs to be done to ensure significant change in workplace culture. 

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Industry Case Studies

Construction company and director sentenced for multiple safety failings

A construction company and its director have been sentenced after multiple health and safety failings, giving rise to significant risk, were found on a house build site in Irvine.

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Company sentenced after fatal fall through fragile asbestos roof

A company has been sentenced after an employee of a Powys construction company was fatally injured in Liverpool when he fell six metres through a roof whilst working on a replacement roof project.

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Company fined following employee death in forklift crush incident

A chilling company has been fined €400,000 following guilty pleas to breaching the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005.

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A construction company has been fined following the death of a worker.

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🧵 Online influencers like Andrew Tate are radicalising boys into extreme misogyny in a way that is "quite terrifying", police are warning.

Young men and boys could be radicalised similarly to how terrorists draw in followers ⬇️

It is a national emergency, it is a threat to our security and prosperity. I'm glad the Government in every department will finally treat it as such and today's report show policing recognising this too. This cannot simply be words. Deeds is what will count.

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