Safety Smart: Monthly Update January 2021

15th January 2021 Posted in Blogs

We’re in yet another national lockdown and employees across the UK are once more are working from home – that’s if they ever stopped of course! but with many businesses having no formal plans to return to the office post lockdown it’s time to review home working practices and ensure employees are working safely. Read More Here

With a national lockdown announced in the first week of January 2021, the government has released new rules for safe working for anyone who runs or works in outdoor environments. Read The Updated Guidance

Whilst many employees work from home during the latest lockdown, construction is open for business as usual. IOSH has a range of resources focused on keeping your workers safe, reducing infection and complying with government guidelines.  Read More 

A roofing contractor has been fined after a health and safety inspector came across two workers jet washing a steeply pitched roof on a house without adequate protection Read More 

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A construction company has been fined following the death of a worker.

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🧵 Online influencers like Andrew Tate are radicalising boys into extreme misogyny in a way that is "quite terrifying", police are warning.

Young men and boys could be radicalised similarly to how terrorists draw in followers ⬇️

It is a national emergency, it is a threat to our security and prosperity. I'm glad the Government in every department will finally treat it as such and today's report show policing recognising this too. This cannot simply be words. Deeds is what will count.

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