Safety Smart: Monthly Update March 2021

8th March 2021 Posted in Blogs

If you missed out on our last newsletter – never fear! we’ve pulled together all the information in this blog post and there’s plenty to catch up on!

International Women’s Day #IWD2021 

Supporting Women’s Mental Health In The Workplace >>> 

Paving The Way For Women In Construction >>>


IOSH: A Year of COVID19 >>>
Workplace Testing: The New Rules >>>

Safety At Work

Reducing Noise In The WorkPlace >>>

Industry Case Studies

Contractor Sentenced For Demolition Failings >>>

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From Twitter

Businesses urged to start preparing for Martyn's Law

Businesses should start to prepare for the implementation of Martyn’s Law, otherwise known as the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill,

#GetPrepared #MartynsLaw

We are delighted to be partnering with @theCALMzone on a release of a brand new t-shirt featuring the iconic die-cut sleeve design and the original synth used to write Blue Monday. £10 from each t-shirt purchased will be donated to CALM.

Buy now: 💙

Company and director sentenced for putting workers at risk

A roofing firm has been fined while its director has been handed a suspended prison sentence after putting the lives of workers at risk during a roof renovation in Surrey.


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