Safety Smart: Monthly Update October 2020

9th November 2020 Posted in Blogs

As COVID-19 remains ever-present in our lives, Mates in Mind are an organisation providing support to workforces with their mental wellbeing, especially those who are working remotely during the pandemic.  

We’ve also been taking a look at RIDDOR reporting during COVID-19, sharing useful advice from HSE on whether or not you need to report cases amongst your workforce. 

Whilst industry events remain virtual for now there’s still plenty to choose from including SHP Webinars covering topics including wellness in the workforce, risk assessments and much more, places can be booked here.  

This month’s’ case study focuses on two breaches of health & safety regulations in the same month resulting in a hefty fine for the organisation in question. \

We also shared some information on our Face Fit Testing, to assist in ensuring respiratory equipment offers the right protection to the wearer. If you’re working anywhere where respiratory equipment is used then a face fit is essential – Find out more here 

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From Twitter

Whilst we might be already into the second month of 2025 last year saw million-pound fines for the likes of Openreach and Tata Chemicals.

SHP share some of the biggest health and safety fines of 2024 in their round-up ⬇️

Work-related ill health and injuries accounted for 33.7 million lost working days in Great Britain last year, the latest figures from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reveal.

#WorkRelatedAccidents #HealthandSafety #2024Stats #SafetySmart

Businesses urged to start preparing for Martyn's Law

Businesses should start to prepare for the implementation of Martyn’s Law, otherwise known as the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill,

#GetPrepared #MartynsLaw

We are delighted to be partnering with @theCALMzone on a release of a brand new t-shirt featuring the iconic die-cut sleeve design and the original synth used to write Blue Monday. £10 from each t-shirt purchased will be donated to CALM.

Buy now: 💙

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