Safety Smart Monthly Update October

9th October 2023 Posted in Blogs

If you missed out on our last newsletter – never fear! we’ve pulled together all the information in this blog post and there’s plenty to catch up on!

What to expect when an inspector calls

HSE has released a video for those who have duties under health and safety law, for example employers and those in control of workplaces. The video explains what you can inspect when a health and safety inspector calls at your workplace with advice and tips for what information you can expect to be asked for when a visit arises. 

Watch here

Latest HSE campaign focuses on preventing ill health from moving and handling materials  

Moving and handling heavy or bulky objects on construction sites is needlessly harming the health of tens of thousands of workers every year. The latest HSE campaign is focused on moving and handling materials and inspections will be happening on site throughout September and October. 

Find out more 

Time is running out to register high-rise buildings

Time is running out for high-rise residential buildings to be registered with the Building Safety Regulator (BSR).

The new watchdog will better protect people who live in high-rise buildings. It was set up as part of the Government’s response to the Grenfell fire.

Find out more 

SMART RESOURCE: High Rise Responsibilities, What’s Changed?

The Building Safety Act 2022 identifies new duty holders known as ‘accountable persons’  for higher-risk buildings. Our Smart Resource has advice on what’s changed and what the ‘ accountable person’ is responsible for. 

Download Here


This month we’re tuning into Two Bald Guys talking Health and Safety. This podcast brings you the latest in all things health and safety. Langdon Dement, MS, CSP, AEP, and Julian Taylor cover topics on keeping employees healthy and safe by whatever means necessary. Rarely more than 30 minutes and, if not educational, undoubtedly entertaining. 

Listen Here 


Haulage company fined after worker dies from injuries 

A haulage company in Wales has been fined £100,000 after a worker fell from a loading bay and died.

The 63-year-old, from Hungary, had been preparing a load of trailers in his lorry ahead of departure from Williams Haulage Limited’s site at Deeside Industrial Estate on 16 March 2020. The load of trailers were due to be delivered to a site in Germany. He was not employed by Williams Haulage.

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Company fined after workers injured by explosion

A manufacturing company in West Yorkshire has been fined £200,000 after workers were injured by an explosion.

Three workers at Weir Minerals Europe Limited sustained burns while operating a furnace at the firm’s site on Halifax Road in Todmorden on 25 February 2020.

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From Twitter

Whilst we might be already into the second month of 2025 last year saw million-pound fines for the likes of Openreach and Tata Chemicals.

SHP share some of the biggest health and safety fines of 2024 in their round-up ⬇️

Work-related ill health and injuries accounted for 33.7 million lost working days in Great Britain last year, the latest figures from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reveal.

#WorkRelatedAccidents #HealthandSafety #2024Stats #SafetySmart

Businesses urged to start preparing for Martyn's Law

Businesses should start to prepare for the implementation of Martyn’s Law, otherwise known as the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill,

#GetPrepared #MartynsLaw

We are delighted to be partnering with @theCALMzone on a release of a brand new t-shirt featuring the iconic die-cut sleeve design and the original synth used to write Blue Monday. £10 from each t-shirt purchased will be donated to CALM.

Buy now: 💙

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