Safety Video Aims to Promote Positive Change

11th April 2018 Posted in Blogs

Michael Adamson was tragically electrocuted at work in 2005 in an incident that could and should have been prevented. Since then, his sister Louise Taggart has campaigned tirelessly to bring about a positive change to safety in the workplace.

Lousie has produced two videos as part of her campaign. In the first she bravely tells ‘Michael’s Story’ – a brave and deeply personal account of what happened and the terrible impact it has had on Louise and her family’s lives. The second video is aimed at Safety Leaders and encourages them to reflect on their own effectiveness. Louise points out that Safety ‘is not an add on to your job. It IS your job’

We urge you to watch Louise’s videos and to use them to promote positive change in your organisation. They certainly hold a powerful message for us all. Louise invites you to use them in your own training courses. Watch now.

If you do use the videos for your organisation’s training purposes, Louise simply asks that you consider making a donation to Scottish Hazards

In Louise’s words:

 A son, brother and fiancé left home one morning and did not return.  Because of health and safety failings, he did not get the opportunity to become an uncle, a husband or a dad. 

 So I ask you to use these videos to bring about positive change in your organisation.  Use them to:

  •  have leaders reflect on their own effectiveness;
  • reinforce for people why safe systems of work are in place and why they need to be followed;
  • reinvigorate for supervisors and line managers the role they must play in enabling and driving safe behaviours; and
  • give people the courage to speak up when they see something unsafe.

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#IndustryNews #HealthandSafety #InCourt

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