A new recruit for Safety Smart

27th June 2016 Posted in Blogs

The Safety Smart team is growing, as we welcome our newest recruit Catherine Tetlow on board as Bids & Tenders Manager. 

Following an incredibly busy and successful year it has become apparent that extra resource is needed if we are to achieve our ambitious plans for our next stage of growth, which includes tendering for more work within the public sector. 

Commenting on her new role, Catherine said:

“I am really excited about my appointment at Safety Smart and am delighted to be working for such an ambitious and forward thinking company. There is a wealth of opportunity out there and I will embrace the challenge of producing winning bids to bring some of that work Safety Smart’s way”.

Commenting on Catherine’s appointment, Managing Director, Anthony Tetlow said:

“We are really pleased that Catherine has joined us. We are at a key point in Safety Smart’s strategic development and believe that Catherine’s skillset will be a key contributor in driving the business forward over the next twelve months and beyond.”

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🧵 Online influencers like Andrew Tate are radicalising boys into extreme misogyny in a way that is "quite terrifying", police are warning.

Young men and boys could be radicalised similarly to how terrorists draw in followers ⬇️

It is a national emergency, it is a threat to our security and prosperity. I'm glad the Government in every department will finally treat it as such and today's report show policing recognising this too. This cannot simply be words. Deeds is what will count.

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