Smart Advice: Writing a Health & Safety Policy
4th July 2022 Posted in Blogs

The law states every business must have a Health & Safety policy.
A health and safety policy sets out your general approach to how you, as an employer will manage health and safety in your business and should clearly say who does what, when and how and you must share the policy with your employees.
But where do you start?
Your policy should cover three areas
Part 1: Statement of intent
State your general policy on health and safety at work, including your commitment to managing health and safety and your aims. As the employer or most senior person in the company, you should sign it and review it regularly.
Part 2: Responsibilities for health and safety
List the names, positions and roles of the people in your business who have specific responsibility for health and safety.
Part 3: Arrangements for health and safety
Give details of the practical arrangements you have in place, showing how you will achieve your health and safety policy aims. This could include, for example, doing a risk assessment, training employees and using safety signs or equipment.
How do I know the law?
It’s unlikely you will know the intricacies of the law you need to follow but help is at hand with The Management of Health and Safety at work Regulations which explain the steps you must take to manage health and safety within your business. However, don’t be fooled into thinking that learning the law is enough. As an employer, you must appoint someone who is competent to assist you to meet your health and safety responsibilities.
Who is a competent person?
A competent person is someone with the necessary skills, knowledge, qualifications and experience to manage health and safety and whilst it can be yourself or one or more of your employees this is one area where you never want to make a mistake – if you’re not confident about your ability to manage health and safety in-house you will need to seek help and advice from an external source.
Need Support?
If you need support creating a Health & Safety policy or require a competent person to act for your business then we can help, get in touch for a free consultation today.
Resource Hub

Smart Resource: Hot Water Risk Assessments

Smart Resource: What you need to know about the fire risks of Lithium-ion battery use

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