Welcome to our updated website

22nd January 2014 Posted in Blogs

The past year has been quite hectic and it has been a while since we issued an update.

The new website now contains client testimonials, case studies of the our most recent projects and details of an exciting scheme which is aimed at providing a competent Health and Safety professional to small and medium enterprises from as little as £10 per week.

We will issue further updates via the website soon but please also visit us via twitter for breaking news stories, updates and one or two dangerous looking photographs. You can read out twitter feed here https://twitter.com/safetysmart

Thanks for taking the time to read our website. We look forward to hearing from you.

From Twitter


A construction company has been fined following the death of a worker.


#IndustryNews #HealthandSafety #InCourt

Did you know we provide free H&S updates, advice and industry info in our #Resources centre? Take a look at our #SMART resources and if there's anything you'd like to learn more about why not let us know!

#GetSafetySmart >>> https://buff.ly/3p2dFMs

🧵 Online influencers like Andrew Tate are radicalising boys into extreme misogyny in a way that is "quite terrifying", police are warning.

Young men and boys could be radicalised similarly to how terrorists draw in followers ⬇️

It is a national emergency, it is a threat to our security and prosperity. I'm glad the Government in every department will finally treat it as such and today's report show policing recognising this too. This cannot simply be words. Deeds is what will count.

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